Radon is an odorless, colorless, radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer when exposed to it for a long time. This gas is naturally in the atmosphere. It becomes trapped indoors by entering through cracks and other holes in the foundations. For this reason, radon exposure occurs inside homes.
You can take action to reduce the amount of radon inside your home. Furthermore, testing is the only way to determine radon levels. Baltimore Home Specs, offers radon testing services in Parkville, Towson, MD, and the surrounding areas. I’m a professional radon tester who helps homeowners know their homes’ radon levels and how to control them.
At high levels, breathing radon increases the risk of lung cancer. This gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Moreover, the EPA estimates that between 15,000 to 22,000 deaths are radon-related lung cancer each year.
Radon can be found in any home. However, some areas represent more significant risks than others. The areas of high risk include the surrounding Baltimore area. Radon can quickly build until unhealthy levels are reached. On average, radon has been found at dangerous levels in about 1 of every 15 homes! The EPA suggests mitigating if levels are at or above 148 Becquerels/meter3 (4 picocuries/liter). In the same line, an EPA study that measured radon gas concentrations in Maryland in 1997 revealed that Maryland-wide of 84.114 tests, 34% exceeded 3.9 pCi/L.
Radon testing is the only way to know your home’s exposure and one of the best things you can do to protect your family’s health. Baltimore Home Specs, LLC tests are simple, affordable, and convenient. What’s more, high radon levels don’t mean that you cannot inhabit a property since these levels can be corrected! Some professionals can lower radon levels in your home for the exact cost as many other home repairs. Partner with me as your radon inspector in Baltimore, MD, to know your next steps.
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